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#1 Luongo Collector
100% (142/142)
2001-02 Atomic: - #46
- Red #46 (196/290)
- Gold #46 (015/200)
- Premiere Date #46 (46/90)
01-02 Atomic.jpg
01-02 Atomic Red #46 196 290.jpg
01-02 Atomic gold.jpg
01-02 Atomic PD.jpg
2001-02 BAP Memorabilia: - #77
- Ruby #77 (128/200)
- Sapphire #77 (66/100)
- Emerald #77 (4/10)
- He Shoots He Scores Prizes #19 (13/20)
- Goalie Dual Jersey w/Kidd #GJ-10 (/80)
01-02 BAP Memorabilia.jpg
01-02 BAP Memorabilia Ruby #77 128 200.jpg
01-02 BAP Mem Sapphire :200.jpg
01-02 BAP Mem Emerald :10.jpg
01-02 BAP Memorabilia Prize.jpg
01-02 BAP Memorabilia Goalie jersey w Kidd #GJ-10 of 80.jpg
2001-02 BAP Signature Series: - #012
- Autographs #012
- Gold Autographs #012
- Teammates Dual Jersey w/Bure #TM-13 (/40)
- Jersey #GJ-29 (/60)
- Jersey Auto #GU-RL (1/10)
- Jersey & Stick #GSJ-29 (/60)
- Emblem #GUE-27 (/10)
- Numbers #ITN-27 (/10)
01-02 BAP Sig Ser.jpg
01-02 BAP Sig Ser Auto.jpg
01-02 BAP Sig Ser Gold Auto.jpg
01-02 BAP SS Bure Luongo.jpg
01-02 BAP Sig Ser Jersey.jpg
01-02 BAP Sig Ser Jersey Auto #GU-RL 1 10.jpg
01-02 bap ss emblem 10.jpg
01-02 bap ss numbers 10.jpg
01-02 BAP Sig Ser Jersey & Stick.jpg
2001-02 BAP Ultimate Memorabilia: - Legends Dual Jersey w/Sawchuk #11 (3/20)
01-02 BAP Ultimate Mem W:sawchuk.jpg
2001-02 BAP Update: - He Shoots-He Scores Prizes #U-28 (5/20)
01-02 BAP Update HSHS.jpg
2001-02 Between The Pipes: - #33
- He Shoots He Scores Points Decoy #6
- He Shoots He Scores Jersey #40 (9/20)
- Mask #17
- Mask Silver #17 (/300)
- Mask Gold #17 (/30)
- Jersey #GJ-10 (/90)
- Future Wave Jersey #FW-04 (/22)
- Goalie Gear Blocker #GG-10 (/70)
- Double Memorabilia Jersey & Blocker #DM-11 (/50)
- Jersey & Stick #GSJ-09 (/90)
- Tandems Dual Jersey w/Kidd #GT-04 (/50)
01-02 BTP.JPG
01-02 BTP 1 Point #6.jpg
01-02 BTP HSHS Jersey #40 9 20.jpg
01-02 BTP Mask.jpg
01-02 BTP Mask Silver.jpg
01-02 BTP Mask Gold.jpg
01-02 BTP Jersey #GJ-10.jpg
01-02 BTP Future Wave Jersey FW-04 of 22.jpg
01-02 BTP Goalie Gear.jpg
01-02 BTP Double Memorabilia.jpg
01-02 BTP Jersey & Stick.jpg
01-02 BTP Tandems.jpg
2001-02 Bowmans Youngstars: - #131
- Ice Cubed #131
- Gold #131 (023/250)
- Jersey #FFJ-RL
- Stick #FFS-RL
- Autograph #RL (25/50)
- Jersey & Stick #FFDS-RL (15/25)
- Rivals Dual Jersey w/Blackburn #FFR1 (004/250)
01-02 Bowman.jpg
01-02 Bowman Ice Cubed.jpg
01-02 Bowman Gold.jpg
01-02 Bowman jersey.jpg
01-02 Bowman Stick #FFS-RL.jpg
01-02 Bowman Auto.jpg
01-02 Bowman Double Stuff.jpg
01-02 Bowman Dual Jersey Rivals.jpg
2001-02 Crown Royale: - #65
- Retail #65
- Blue #65 (17/89)
- Premiere Date #65 (34/60)
- Red #65 (21/35)
01-02 Crown Royale.jpg
01-02 Crown Royale Retail.jpg
01-02 Crown Royale Blue.jpg
01-02 Crown Royale Premiere Date.jpg
01-02 Crown Royale Red.jpg
2001-02 eTopps: - #14 (/747)
01-02 etopps.jpg
2001-02 OPC: - #68
- OPC Premier Parallel #68
- Heritage Parallel #68
- Heritage Parallel LTD #68 (14/50)
01-02 OPC.jpg
01-02 OPC Premier Insert.jpg
01-02 OPC Heritage Parallel.jpg
01-02 opc heritage parallel 50.jpg
2001-02 Pacific: - #173
- Retail Ltd. #173 (069/149)
- Hobby Ltd. #173 (09/99)
- Extreme Ltd. #173 (31/49)
- Premiere Date #173 (42/45)
- #431
- Gold #431 (/100)
- Steel Curtain #9
01-02 Pacific 173.jpg
01-02 Pacific Retal ltd 149.jpg
01-02 Pacific Hobby Ltd. #173 09 99.jpg
01-02 Pacific Extreme ltd.jpg
01-02 Pacific Premiere Date.jpg
01-02 Pacific 431.jpg
01-02 Pacific Gold.jpg
01-02 Pacific Steel Curtain #9.jpg
2001-02 Pacific Adrenaline: - #83
- Retail #83
- Premiere Date #83 (02/62)
- Blue #83 (02/62)
- Red #83 (42/54)
- Creased Lightning #8
- Power Play #17
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline #83.jpg
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline Retail.jpg
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline Premiere Date.jpg
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline Blue #83 30 62.jpg
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline Red.jpg
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline Creased Lightning #8.jpg
01-02 Pacific Adrenaline Power Play.jpg
2001-02 Pacific Heads Up: - #44
- Silver #44 (14/27)
- Blue #44 (15/55)
- Premiere Date #44 (016/105)
- Red #44 (010/165)
- Breaking The Glass #11
- Prime Picks #2
- Showstoppers #9
01-02 Pacific Heads-Up.jpg
01-02 Pacific Heads Up Silver.jpg
01-02 Pacific Heads-Up Blue.jpg
01-02 Pacific Heads-Up Premiere Date.jpg
01-02 Pacific Heads-Up Red.jpg
01-02 pacific Heads-Up Breaking The Glass #11.jpg
01-02 Pacific Heads-Up Prime Picks #2.jpg
01-02 Pacific Heads-Up Showstoppers.jpg
2001-02 Parkhurst: - #43
- #43 Silver (215/500)
- #43 Gold (46/50)
- Jersey #PJ-35 (/90)
- Teammates Triple Jersey w/Bure/Kovlov (/30)
- Teammates Triple Jersey w/Bure/Ozolinsh (/80)
01-02 Parkhurst #43.jpg
01-02 Parkhurst Silver.jpg
01-02 Parkhurst Gold.jpg
01-02 Parkhurst Jersey.jpg
01-02 Parkhurst luongo bure kozlov.jpg
01-02 Parkhurst Teammates.jpg
2001-02 Private Stock: - #43
- Retail #43
- Gold #43 (086/106)
- Premiere Date #43 (077/100)
- Silver #43 (065/108)
- Goalie Reserve #6
- PS-2002 #35
01-02 Private Stock.jpg
01-02 Private Stock Retail.jpg
01-02 Private Stock Gold.jpg
01-02 Private Stock Premiere Date.jpg
01-02 Private Stock Silver.jpg
01-02 Private Stock Reserve #G6.jpg
01-02 Private Stock PS-2002.jpg
2001-02 SP Authentic: - #37
- Limited #37 (119/150)
- Limited Gold #37 (15/25)
- Sign Of The Times #RL
- Sign Of The Times Dual w/Bure #BL (067/150)
- Sign Of The Times Dual w/DiPietro #DL (114/150)
01-02 SP Auth.jpg
01-02 SP Auth Ltd.jpg
01-02 SP Auth Ltd Gold.jpg
01-02 spa sott.jpg
01-02 SP Auth SOTT Dual Bure.jpg
01-02 SP Auth SOTT Dual DiPietro.jpg
2001-02 SPx: #175
01-02 SPx.jpg
2001-02 Stadium Club: - #80
- Award Winners #80 (021/100)
- Master Photo #80 (099/100)
- Gallery #G11
- Gallery Gold #G11 (06/50)
- New Regime #NR6
- New Regime Auto #NRA-RL
01-02 Stadium Club.jpg
01-02 Stadium Club Award Winner #80 021 100.jpg
01-02 Stadium Club Master Photo 099 100.jpg
01-02 Stadium Club Gallery.jpg
01-02 Stadium Club Gallery Gold #G11 06 50.jpg
01-02 Stadium Club New Regime.jpg
01-02 Stadium Club New Regime Auto.jpg
2001-02 Titanium: - Reatil #61
- Retail Parallel #61 (120/131)
- Hobby #61
- Hobby Parallel #61 (75/94)
- Premiere Date #61 (11/94)
01-02 Titanium Retail.jpg
01-02 Titanium Retail Parallel.jpg
01-02 Titanium Hobby #61.jpg
01-02 Titanium Hobby Parallel.jpg
01-02 Titanium Premiere Date.jpg
2001-02 Topps: - #68
- OPC Parallel #68
- Heritage Parallel #68
- Heritage Parallel LTD. #68 (37/50)
01-02 Topps.jpg
01-02 Topps OPC Paralel.jpg
01-02 Topps Heritage Parallel.jpg
01-02 topps heritage parallel 50.jpg
2001-02 Topps Chrome: - #68
- Refractor #68
- Black Border Refractor #68 (28/50)
01-02 Topps Chrome.jpg
01-02 Topps Chrome Refractor.jpg
01-02 Topps Chrome Black Border Refractor.jpg
2001-02 Topps Heritage: - #32
- Refractor #32 (265/558)
01-02 Topps Heritage.jpg
01-02 Topps Heritage Refractor.jpg
2001-02 Topps Reserve: - #52
01-02 Topps Reserve #52.jpg
2001-02 UD Challenge For The Cup: - #35
2001-02 UD Honor Roll: - Jersey #J-RL (061/225)
- Gold Jersey #J-RL (14/50)
01-02 UD Honor Roll Jersey.jpg
01-02 UD Honor Roll Jersey Gold.jpg
2001-02 UD Mask Collection: - Manning The Nets #113
- Manning The Nets Gold #113 (08/50)
- Jersey #SS-RL
2001-02 UD Playmakers: - #44
2001-02 UD Premier Collection: - #27 (139/399)
2001-02 UD Top Shelf: - #95
- Game Gear Pad #LPRL
2001-02 Upper Deck: - #75
- Exclusives #75 (060/100)
- Goalies In Action #GL10
2001-02 Upper Deck Ice: - Autographs #RL
2001-02 Upper Deck MVP: - #82
2001-02 Upper Deck Victory: - Checklist #146
- Checklist Gold #146
- #154
- Gold #154
2001-02 Upper Deck Vintage: - #111
- Checklist w/Bure/Kozlov/Nillson #113
2001-02 Vanguard: - #43
- Blue #43 (19/89)
- Premiere Date #43 (75/83)
- Red #43 (07/38)
- Stonewallers #9
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