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#1 Luongo Collector
100% (60/60)
1999-00 BAP Memorabilia: - #307
- Silver #307 (0713/1000)
- Gold #307 (051/100)
99-00 BAP Memorabilia.jpg
99-00 BAP Memorabilia Silver.jpg
99-00 BAP Memorabilia Gold 051 100.jpg
1999-00 BAP Millenium: - Calder Candidates Ruby #C37 (236/1000)
- Calder Candidates Sapphire #C37 (29/100)
- Calder Candidates Emerald #C37 (7/10)
99-00 BAP Millenium Calder Candidates Ruby.jpg
99-00 Bap Millenium Sapphire.jpg
99-00 BAP CC Emerald 10.jpg
1999-00 Bowmans CHL: - #43
- OPC International #43
- Gold #43 (43/99)
- Scouts' Choice #SC21
99-00 Bowman CHL #43.jpg
99-00 Bowman CHL OPC International #43.jpg
99-00 Bowman CHL GOLD :99.jpg
99-00 Bowman Scout Choice.jpg
1999-00 Crown Royale: - SP #88
- Prospects Parallel #88 (448/450)
- Limited Series #88 (40/99)
- Premiere Date #88 (58/73)
- Card-Supial #15
- Card-Supial Mini #15
- Century 21 #7 (120/375)
99-00 Crown Royale SP.jpg
99-00 Crown Royale Prospects Parallel #88 448 450.jpg
99-00 Crown Royale Limited Series #88 40 99.jpg
99-00 Crown Royale Premiere Date.jpg
99-00 Crown Royale Card-Supial.jpg
99-00 Crown Royale Card-Supial Mini.jpg
99-00 Crown Royale Century 21.jpg
1999-00 OPC: - #250
99-00 OPC #250.jpg
1999-00 OPC Chrome: - #250
- Refractor #250
99-00 OPC Chrome.jpg
99-00 OPC Chrome Refractor.jpg
1999-00 Pacific Omega: - #143
- Gold #143 (298/299)
- Copper #143 (72/99)
- Ice Blue #143 (62/75)
- Premiere Date #143 (24/68)
- 5 Star Talents #5
- 5 Star Talents Parallel #5 (036/100)
- NHL Generations w/Roy #4
99-00 Pacific Omega.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega Gold.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega Copper.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega Ice Blue #143 62 75.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega Premiere Date.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega 5 Star Talents.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega 5 Star Talents Parallel.jpg
99-00 Pacific Omega Generations.jpg
1999-00 Pacific Prism: - #88
- Holographic Gold #88 (120/480)
- Holographic Mirror #88 (124/160)
- Holographic Purple #88 (54/99)
- Holographic Blue #88 (58/80)
- Premier Date #88 (56/69)
99-00 Pacific Prism.jpg
99-00 Pacific Prism Holographic Gold.jpg
99-00 Pacific Prism Holographic Mirror.jpg
99-00 Pacific Prism Purple.jpg
99-00 Pacific Prism Holographic Blue #88 58 80.jpg
99-00 Pacific Prism Premiere Date.jpg
1999-00 SP Authentic: - #53
99-00 SP Authentic.jpg
1999-00 SPx: - #176 (0963/1999)
- Radiance #176 (050/100)
99-00 SPX #176 0963 1999.jpg
99-00 SPX Radiance #176 050 100.jpg
1999-00 Topps: - #250
99-00 Topps.jpg
1999-00 Topps Chrome: - #250
- Refractor #250
99-00 Topps Chrome.jpg
99-00 Topps Chrome Refractor.jpg
1999-00 Topps Gold Label: - Class 1 #94
- Class 1 Black #94
- Class 1 Red #94 (047/100)
- Class 2 #94
- Class 2 Black #94
- Class 2 Red #94 (16/50)
- Class 3 #94
- Class 3 Black #94
- Class 3 Red #94 (25/25)
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 1.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Red.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 2.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Black.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 2 Red.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 3 #94
99-00 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Black.jpg
99-00 Topps Gold label Class 3 Red.jpg
1999-00 Topps Premier Plus: - #121
- Parallel #121 (1 of 250)
99-00 Topps Premier Plus.jpg
99-00 Topps Premier Plus Parallel.jpg
1999-00 UD Victory: - #359
99-00 UD Victory.jpg
1999-00 Upper Deck: - Young Guns #163
- Young Guns Exclusives #163 (082/100)
99-00 UD.jpg
99-00 Upper Deck Young Guns Exclusives :100.jpg
1999-00 Upper Deck Gold Reserve: - Young Guns #163
99-00 UD Gold Reserve.jpg
1999-00 Upper Deck MVP SCE: - #112
- Silver Script #112
- Gold Script #112 (100/100)
- Super Script #112 (17/25)
99-00 UD MVP SCE.jpg
99-00 UD MVP SCE Silver Script.jpg
99-00 UD MVP SCE Gold Script 100 100.jpg
99-00 UD MVPSCE Super Script.jpg
1999-00 Upper Deck Wayne Gretzky Hockey: - #108
99-00 UD Wayne Gretzky Hockey.jpg
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