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#1 Luongo Collector
100% (26/26)
97-98 Beehive RC.jpg
97-98 Beehive Golden Portraits.jpg
97-98 Beehive Auto.jpg
1997-98 Pinnacle Beehive: - RC 5x7 #69,
- Authentic Autographs 5x7 #69
- Golden Portraits 5x7 #69
1997-98 Black Diamond: - Single Diamond RC #131
- Double Diamond #131
- Triple Diamond #131
- Quad Diamond #131
97-98 Black Diamond Single RC.jpg
97-98 Black Diamond Double RC.jpg
97-98 Black Diamond Triple RC.jpg
97-98 Black Diamond Quad RC.jpg
1997-98 Bowman CHL: - #42
- OPC #42
- Prospects #159
- Prospects OPC #159
- Auto #159
97-98 Bowman CHL #42.jpg
97-98 Bowman CHL #42 OPC.jpg
97-98 Bowman CHL #159.jpg
97-98 Bowman CHL #159 OPC.jpg
97-98 Bowman Auto.jpg
1997-98 Bowman CHL Bowman's Best: - #BB18
- Refractor #BB18
- Atomic Refractor #BB18
97-98 Bowman's Best.jpg
97-98 Bowman Best Refractor.jpg
97-98 Bowmans Best Atomic Refractor #BB18.jpg
1997-98 Donruss Elite: - #51 RC
- Aspirations #51 (/750)
- Status #51 (080/100)
- Back To The Future w/Brodeur #7 of 8 (0693/1500)
- Back To The Future Auto w/Brodeur #7 of 8 (0072/1500)
97-98 Donruss Elite RC.jpg
97-98 Donruss Elite Aspiritions 750.jpg
97-98 Donruss Elite Status RC.jpg
97-98 Donruss Elite Back To Back.jpg
97-98 Donruss Elite Back to the future Auto 0072 1500.JPG
1997-98 Zenith: - #97 RC
- Z-Silver #97
- Z-Gold #97 (023/100)
- #Z77 5x7 RC
- Silver Impulse 5x7 #Z77
- Gold Impulse 5x7 #Z77 (052/100)
97-98 Zenith RC.jpg
97-98 Zenith Z-Silver #97.jpg
97-98 Zenith Z-Gold #97 023 100.jpg
97-98 Zenith 5x7 RC.jpg
97-98 Zenith 5x7 Silver Impulse.jpg
97-98 Zenith 5x7 Gold Impulse 052 100.jpg
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